When we found out that the television tower had been taken over, we thought that maybe they wouldn't come to where we were. It would have been enough to cut cables... We had a lot of information to transmit. There wasn't time to get scared or to think. We looked through the window and saw people gushing towards Vingis Park. We heard shouting that tanks were coming. I ran to the studio to inform my people through the internal line that tanks were approaching and we should all stay in our places. Through the window I saw paratroopers surrounding the radio building. A row of them were standing with their tommy guns aimed at the people. A tank shot rang out. My colleague (A. Sadukas) and I locked ourselves in the studio and told in detail everything that we saw and heard. In the hall we could hear footsteps and doors being slammed, and series of gun fire were already pouring out on the fourth floor... I heard it announced on the radio which floors had already been taken over. When I heard a knock on the door, I started to shout that I wouldn't let them in because I was working there! An angry paratrooper muttered: „Ja by tebia zastrelil!"(„l would shoot you...")

Then we were locked in the apparatus room. Later there was a command to go into the hall one by one. Men were by the wall. I was allowed to put on my coat. Only the men were searched. The orders for the men were particularly fierce. We were told to go to the announcers' room. Two guards were put there. Soon a terrible smell spread. The guards said: „Eto čeriomuška, otkroite okna!" („lt's cheriomushka, open the window!") When we asked them why they had come here, they answered: „0braščaites k Dimke Jazovu..." („Ask Dimka Jazov...") One paratrooper, a Russian it seemed, was different from the others because he didn't overdo it. The others were going full force. They obviously enjoyed breaking and destroying everything. They began to throw us out of the announcers' room. Fiercely, we went in a single file. The men were kicked by the exit... Everything around was broken. Including the police post. There was an unusual¬ly large number of paratroopers. They were standing in two rows. Their guns were aimed at us. They were wearing helmets and bullet-proof vests.

We went out into Konarskio Street. The army was already standing in the RTV yard. Everything was surrounded. Policemen tried to control the crowd as much as possible.
And triumphant „Jedinstvo" members were already standing on the territory.

Lithuania, 1991.01.13 : documents, testimonies, comments. - Vilnius : State Publishing Center, 1992, p. 186-187.
