...Military vehicles were surrounded by crowds of people. Soldiers stood with their guns ready to shoot.

A guy standing a few steps to the left of me raised his arm. Suddenly, a paratrooper standing in front of us turned his gun. We heard a series of shots, and the guy grabbed his right side and collapsed...

The young guy was hardly making his way towards the paratroopers. He had medals pinned on the left side of his chest, and on the right side was an order. ..Brother soldiers, what are you doing? Why are you shooting peaceful people? Even in Afghanistan we weren't this brutal..." a young Russian man cried in Russian as he pushed his way towards the television tower, where the „ newcomers" had already taken over. The soldiers pushed him back with the butts of their guns, ordering him aside. The guy fell down, stood up again, and in Russian kept repeating: „Brutes, brutes..."

Lithuania, 1991.01.13 : documents, testimonies, comments. - Vilnius : State Publishing Center, 1992, p. 131.
