...At about 1 a.m., military vehicles drove by Parliament. After some time there were three gun shots. Light and noise came from the direction of the TV tower. Soon several armored vehicles came quickly across the bridge and around the corner of Independence Square in a demonstration of power. Driving our bus towards the television tower, we met up with some tanks. Going up the slope by the tower, we heard a shot from a nearby tank. We saw a guy fall down - he was carried to an ambulance. Nearing the tower, we saw a true hell. People were being pushed away from the tower, and were being threatened by sub-machine gun and tank shots. People chanted: “Freedom! Lithuania! Occupants! Fascists!" Inside the building you could hear the sound of glass breaking. The Lithuanian flag was removed. After some time the people were pushed away from the tower. The soldiers violently used their tommy guns, and there were also tank shots. Other military techniques were also used in this attack. The paratroopers behaved with brutality - in their eyes we saw savage fury, hatred and cold. They weren't human... To our right we heard a heart-rendering cry. One guy, wanting to ask something, approached the officers, but was beaten and fired at. He fell down helplessly. Some people rushed over to him... A reporter who had also been pushed away from the tower told us that inside the tower, officers were destroying everything, and that people had been left inside...

Lithuania, 1991.01.13 : documents, testimonies, comments. - Vilnius : State Publishing Center, 1992, p. 138-139.
